Estelle Haute Creation boutique opening in BoscoVesna
Now the Estelle Haute Creation boutique is presented in Bosco Vesna on the 2nd floor!

Presentation of Art guides by Maria Dobrovinskaya
On June 6, in BoscoVesna was the first discussion - presentation of Maria Dobrovinskaya's Art guides in the Masters salon!

Articoli by Bosco’ Client Days
From June 20 to 22, we are pleased to invite you to BoscoVesna, where you will get discounts of up to -15% and double bonuses by the Bosco privileges system at Articoli by Bosco for your favorite cosmetics and perfumery brands, including La Prarie, Clarins, Sisley, MBR, ReVive, Killian, La Mer, Guerlain and many others!

Nikita Slinkin's lecture “Fashion Photography - from advertising to a work of art”
Today we invited you at Nikita Slinkin's lecture “Fashion Photography - from advertising to a work of art” in BoscoVesna.

Presentation of Art guides by Maria Dobrovinskaya
08 juneOn June 6, in BoscoVesna was the first discussion - presentation of Maria Dobrovinskaya's Art guides in the Masters salon!
Marina Dobrovinskaya's guidebooks have become a continuation of art history courses and art trips according to programs that she personally developed. Art guides are guidebooks issued in a limited edition (500 registered copies).
At the presentation with Marina Dobrovinsky, we talked about how to explore art in other countries, how to plan art trips and how art changes the perception of the city.
The next discussion will take place this Sunday, June 11. Admission is free for holders of silver, gold and cherry Bosco cards by pre-registration, details are on the website boscovesna.ru
See you soon!